Ribmonster is a project started in 2018 to help get my creative juices flowing again. The goal is to record and publish a song every week. The main objective is to create new songs, however some "oldies but goodies" will be recorded either for the first time, or re-recorded if the original recording was lost or is no longer available.

In 1999 I started focusing on creating music. I've gone through some dry spells, and some time when creativity flowed from my pores like so many tiny drops of water might, were I sweating, or crying, or vomiting, or as the case usually is, a combination of all three. In the past 10 years there has been a significat lack of anything coming out of me, other than sweat, tears, and vomit. It's time to turn that back into music.

The website is used as a motivational tactic. I'll be able to see when I've been slacking off, as will anyone on the internet who happens to stumple across this. If you see me slacking, feel free to reach out to me and let me know.

As another motivation tactic, I'm also using a variation of the 52 week saving plan as incentive. Write a song every week, pay myself some money every week for the song. By "pay myself" I mean stick that cash into a box I keep in a secret location in my bathroom. The first song, 1 dollar, the next song, 2 dollars, the next song, 3 dollars, until the 52nd song, which will be 52 dollars. I can only imagine I'll improve over time so the songs will continue to grow in value. At the end of the year I can take that money (about 1300 dollars!) and get myself something nice.

So that's it. That's what I'm doing this year. Making music and saving money.

All content copyright by Cory Webb abou. All rights reserved.


   October 2019
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
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07 08 09 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31      

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